
This page explains how to setup the unique integrations with our ticket system

Tebex Integration

When users create a donation ticket, it is very desirable to see the details of their purchase without the complication of asking for their transaction id and then searching through the logs. Fortunately, this feature allows you to automatically ask for their transaction id and then display their transaction details.

This integration is very easy to setup! Simply setup the Tebex Verification module, and then create a Tebex Donations panel when you use the /panel create command.

Once you create a ticket and enter a valid transaction ID, it should look like this.

Important: It will not work for transaction IDs made before the tebex verification module was setup.

FiveM Integration

When users create a ticket, their in-game status will be automatically shown in the ticket and updated in the ticket if they have their discord linked to their FiveM (which is a fairly standard requirement for most servers).

To setup this feature, just re-run the /tickets setup command and supply your CFX code.

Last updated