
This feature is part of the Verification Module.

The Verification feature allows you to create a customisable verification embed using one of our verification types.



Premium Tier and Deluxe Tier subscriptions have full functionality access to this feature.

Create a Verification Embed

Firstly, you need to decide on a verification style before running any commands. You can view the verification styles using the link below.

Verification Styles

Once you have decided on your verification style, run the /verification setup command, specifying the channel, role, and verification type.

Adjusting the Embed

Adjusting the embed for both types of verification is the same. Simply run the /verification embed command and use the form to specify all of the embed parameters.

Some embed parameters are only available for users with the Deluxe Tier.

*Only adjusts to show your branding if you have a Discord Server Banner.

Last updated