Sticky Messages

This feature is part of the Sticky Messages Module.

This system allows you to send customisable sticky messages, all within the comfort of slash commands. Our advanced algorithm mitigates the risk of duplicate sticky messages, to ensure a positive experience for everyone!



Premium Tier and Deluxe Tier subscriptions have full functionality access to this feature.

Create a Sticky Message

To create a new sticky message, use the /stickymessage create command and select the channel you want the sticky message to be displayed in. Once you have done so, your sticky message will be immediately displayed in the channel and updated when new messages are sent.

You can only have up to one sticky message active in each channel for your Discord server, to prevent conflicts.

Delete a Sticky Message

Deleting an existing sticky message is also really simple and can be achieved by running the /stickymessage delete command, and selecting the intended sticky message in the process. It will be referenced by the sticky message's title or content and the name of the channel it is configured in.

Managing the status of a Sticky Message

A unique functionality for our bot is the ability to individually pause and resume the activity of each sticky message. You can do this by running the /stickymessage status command

You can have multiple sticky messages configured for a single channel, as long as only one of them is active at a time.

Last updated