Application Types

This page showcases the different preset application types, and how to make your own


Preset Applications

Staff Application

The first preset application type mentioned within this guide is our staff application.

You can create a staff application by setting the type parameter of the /applications create command to the staff type (see below).

The questions displayed in this type are below:

  1. What is the link to your steam profile?

  2. How old are you?

  3. What is your timezone?

  4. How many hours have you spent on the server?

  5. Tell us about yourself.

  6. How many hours will you be active per week?

  7. Why do you want to be staff?

  8. Why should we pick you over other candidates?

  9. What experience do you have as a moderator

  10. What IRL obligations do you have?

  11. Have you read all of the server rules?

EMS Application

The next preset application type mentioned within this guide is the EMS application.

You can create a EMS application by setting the type parameter of the /applications create command to the EMS type(see below).

The questions displayed in this type are below:

  1. What is the link to your steam profile?

  2. How old are you?

  3. What is your Timezone?

  4. How many hours have you spent on the server?

  5. What previous experience do you have as EMS?

  6. What would you bring to the EMS Department?

  7. Why should you be part of EMS?

  8. Have you been kicked or banned before?

  9. Do you want to be full time / part time?

  10. Will you follow EMS guidelines?

Police Application

The police application will allow you to expand your in-game police force without the complexity of other sites. You can create a police application by setting the type parameter of the /applications create command to the police type (see below).

The questions displayed in this type are below:

  1. What is the link to your steam profile?

  2. How old are you?

  3. What is your timezone?

  4. How many hours have you spent on the server?

  5. What previous experience do you have as PD?

  6. Why should we choose you over other people?

  7. Why do you want to be a Police Officer?

  8. What are your biggest strengths & weaknesses?

  9. Do you want to be full time / part time?

  10. How many hours will you be active per week?

  11. In what situation must you use lethal force?

  12. Have you been kicked or banned before?

  13. Do you agree to obey higherups?

  14. Will you follow PD guidelines?


The final preset application currently available on the Elyxir bot is for mechanics. You can create a mechanic application by setting the type parameter of the /applications create command to the mechanic type (see below).

The questions displayed in this type are below:

  1. What is the link to your steam profile?

  2. How old are you?

  3. What is your timezone?

  4. How many hours have you spent on the server?

  5. What experience do you have as a mechanic?

  6. How many hours will you be active per day?

  7. Why do you want to be a Mechanic?

  8. Why should we pick you over other candidates?

  9. Do you want to be full time / part time?

  10. Do you agree to follow Mechanic guidelines?

If you have an idea for another application panel, you can utilise the customer-only suggestions channel in our Discord server.

Custom Applications

Our latest in our applications lineup, custom application types are now available. To create one, you need to use the /application type-builder command. Just run the command, specifying the name and type of the emoji, then use the builder to make the type.

Once you have created the type, you can now select it within the /application create command.

Last updated